Masou gakuen hxh grabel,

Masou gakuen hxh grabel

Washed worms are fed to fish using feeders or tweezers. In the stomachs of oligochaetes food is only crushed, and it is digested in the intestine. Before putting a vegetable into a container with a culture of aulophorus it is necessary to pour boiling water and withstand the day in aquarium water [3, 20].

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Магическая академия Атараксия: Гибрид x Сердце / Masou Gakuen HxH

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Hentai Orgasm XXX.. Acme Of Abyss ver 0. Love to Lie.. Shield Hero - Raphtalia.. The main methods of cultivating the sludge worms are: 1 in containers with a substrate from a mixture of 2. The finished substrate is put for two days in a warm place where bacteria develop, which feeds the sludge worm.

Using this method, up to 40 g of worms is collected from 1 m2 of soil layer 10 cm deep. Feed is added in two or three grooves, sprinkled with soil on top; 3 in running water with use of rectangular container with a smooth bottom. A small slope of the bottom is required to allow water to flow downwards by gravity.

Its level should be low, no more than 10 cm. The volume of containers is selected based on the needed amount of this forage organism. The presence of flow and sufficient oxygen content in the water are indispensable conditions for the life of worms during cultivation in running water. Therefore, it is necessary to use a compressor and a small pump. The water level should not exceed 20 cm [1, 26, 28, 32, 34, 35].

Feeding the fish with a sludge worm requires mandatory aging, washing and cleaning of its culture. This is due to the fact, that when feeding fish with sludge worm from natural reservoirs, there is a risk of invasion with precursors such of diseases as parasitic invasions the etiologic agent is the cestode Caryophyllaeus laticeps , ichthyophthiriasis the etiologic agent is Ichthyophthirius multifiliis , chilodotiasis the etiologic agent is the ciliate Chilodonella cyprinid , costiasis the etiologic agent is Costia necatrix and poisoning with accumulated polutants [36, 37].

The culture is settled and washed in two ways:. The main methods of cleaning the culture of the sludge worm are: 1 thick starch is poured into a bucket with worms, then a dense layer of worms at the top is formed, under it there is a layer of starch, and at dirt is on the bottom; 2 worms are tightly wrapped in gauze or nylon mesh bending the ends of the fabric and placing thus formed package in a container with a small layer of water, pouring hot water.

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Escaping from it, worms actively move through the cells of tissue and clean the intestines; 3 a jar with worms is tied with gauze and put it in hot water. Due to the extremely uncomfortable temperature, worms actively move through the tissue cells to the surface and clean the intestine Fig. Method of cleaning of sludge worm culture using water After the above three operations, it is possible to feed worms to fish or keep it alive or frozen.

Thus, it does not lose its useful properties for several months. Frozen sludge worm is easy to use, but the ice crystals significantly destroy its tissue, so it is advisable to freeze only large worms [1, 38]. To separate large individuals from small ones its inherent behavior in the water column is used; large worms sink to the bottom faster than small ones.

Thus, worms are put at the bottom of the tank and filled with water under slight pressure. First, the water is muddy, so after all worms are settled, it is carefully poured away. This procedure is repeated until the water becomes clear. Then the same procedure repeats, but allowing large individuals to reach the bottom, the top layer with small worms floating in it is removed into an empty container.

Then, after worms sink to the bottom, the water will be also removed from this container. These operations repeats until the largest specimens will remain in the one container, and smaller ones, suitable for feeding young fish, in the other container [1, 17, 28, 32].

It has a high level of amino acids, and many essential, but the profile of fatty acids does not meet the needs of fish, they are almost not absorbed by their body. Another disadvantage of live food like sludge worm is a small content of vitamins and a large amount of fat.

Therefore, at a constant feeding fish with sludge worms it is observed obesity and infertility. To improve the nutritional value of the sludge worm it is recommended to add to the culture complex vitamins in powder at the rate of 0. It is also recommended to soak it in vitamin solutions А, B1, E at the rate of mg of vitamins per g of biomass [1, 3, 41].

Small fish are fed with a sludge worm using floating feeders with a mesh bottom, and for the young fish it is necessary to chop it with a razor. It is necessary to strictly monitor the survival of this forage organism, because not eaten worm immerses into the soil and begins active reproduction [7, 16, 39]. Potworm or Enchytraeus albidus has such name because it likes to live in flower pots. In natural conditions it lives in the soil and in fresh and salty waters, where it is found in detritus among the stones.

The covers of the body are light and translucent, the filling of the digestive organs is visible through them Fig.

Potworm Enchytraeus albidus The potworm is usually cultivated in the soil, although there are methods of breeding in other substrates: white brick, slag and gravel, between sheets of filter paper or layers of fabric as well as on the agar [1, 42]. To maintain normal humidity conditions, chambers with high humidity or special devices, regularly moistening the substrate are used; 2 in the soil with soft texture, high porosity and water-holding capacity.

This soil can be taken from greenhouses, gardens, orchards, arable lands. The prepared soil is sifted through a grid with a mesh size of mm, cleaned of impurities and moistened. The surface of the soil is leveled and the box is closed with a glass or wooden lid. In a well-developing culture, worms are concentrated in the soil thickness near the forage clots.

Care for the culture of worms is reduced to systematic monitoring the soil,. Given that methods of dealing with pests mites, fly larvae, collembolans and others is not sufficiently developed, the culture must be guarded against their occurrence.

That is why the surface of the boxes should be covered with clean covers, the food covered with soil, sour and mold particles of feed should be removed immediately. When flies appear, the outer surface of the lids, the doors and windows of the room are sprinkled with a solution of hexachloranum [45, 47].

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With the growth of the biomass of the culture it is systematically singled out by removing some amount of worms together with the ground or without it. To maximize the production of potworm distribution of culture is advantageously carried out when its biomass in a box with an area of 0.

Worms, avoiding light and heat, concentrate in deeper layers of the soil.


After about 6 months, the substrate should be changed and the culture should be transplanted in order to update [1, 48]. Products that are not conducive to the massive development of other soil inhabitants springtails, mites, fly larvae, etc. Basically these are different cereals, flour and bran, vegetables and roots, green herbaceous plants, berries, fruits, yeast.

Before application to the soil, the feed is brewed and ground. Alternation of structural and non-structural feed is useful to maintain the structure of the soil. Feed is added once a week in an amount that is calculated for the increase in biomass of worms, taking into account the feed ratio.

To obtain 1 g of biomass growth of oligochaetes it is needed 6 g of potatoes or 1 g of yeast. Maximum portions of feed, which are added to a box of 0. Fish feeding with potworm meets the need of the fish in vitamins, because it is rich in vitamins A 0, mg , B2 0, mg and E 0, mg. In addition, it contains 9. Before feeding the fish, potworm should be cleaned from soil. This is achieved in several ways: 1 using a tray with a perforated fence, which is made in the form of a belt conveyor, with a light source;.

Worms, creeping to the surface, forming dense tangles, which are transferred to cold water for final cleaning out the soil [1, 42, 43, 45]. It is separated from larger individuals, placing in a glass of water. As water is carefully mixed, large worms sink to the bottom, and small ones remain in the water column. Washed worms are fed to fish using feeders or tweezers.

When feeding fish with potworms, it is not necessary to worry about their sinking to the bottom, because they do not bury in the ground, and can live long in the water and be consumed by fish after a certain time, but for the day all not eaten residues should be carefully cleaned away with a siphon [23, 46, 50].

Grindal worm Enchytraeus buchhoizi is a small 0. Morton Grindal from Sweden, who was the first to cultivate it as a forage culture.

It lives in moist soil areas rich in organic substances. The color of its body is white or yellowish, opaque Fig. Grindal worm Enchytraeus buchhoizi It has a great reproductive ability; under optimal conditions it doubles its biomass in three days.

Магическая академия Атараксия: Гибрид x Сердце — Спецвыпуски

It feeds on decomposing organic matter, bacteria and fungal hyphae. With mass reproduction, in the absence of competition and predators for example, soil mites , grindal worm is able to damage the root system of plants. However, in this case reproduction of mites enhances, which often get into the culture. In this case, it is possible to separate the worms by putting them into the water; they will sink to the bottom, and the mites will be on the surface.

After that, the container must be sterilized in boiling water, and the substrate destroyed [1, 15, 16, 51, 52]. The best substrate are wet plates of fine foam plastic, as well as well- boiled or loose pasteurized peat, placed on the bottom of cubes, or a mixture of humus and peat, or treated with boiling water sphagnum moss.

In the holes of wet peat or in the intervals between the plates, a nutrient substrate is placed: yeast mixed with ground oat flakes. Feed should be finely ground, it is good to add vitamin preparations. It is. The capture of worms for feeding fish is carried out by placing peat in a net of nylon sieve; when it is getting wet worms pass it, get into the water, washing the feed from the substrate and then they are collected with tweezers; 2 using synthetic batting as a substrate.

The container is installed in a dark plastic bag. Forage is poured on a batting, under the bottom layer of a kapron cloth.

For the cultivation of grindal worm it is more convenient to use large capacities, because in small ones even with a slight increase, feed begins to rot, which can lead to the death of the culture. Fish feeding with Grindal worms is possible for all age groups. The simplest way to enrich the biomass of worms with vitamins is to include vegetables in their diet.

Long-term feeding fish with grindal worm is not advisable, because, despite the high protein content, it has little mineral salts and vitamins, which can lead to obesity, sterility, reduced immunity and other nutritional diseases. At the same time, the use of grindal worm in the diet of fancy fish species during preparation for spawning has a good effect. Given the above, it is recommended to feed fish with such high-calorie food as grindal worm no more than every other day, alternating it with other food.

As forage organisms, the above mentioned worms are characterized by high protein content and energy value, but they have a poor vitamin and mineral composition. However, their nutritional value can be increased by adding vitamin preparations to their feed. In any case, these species should be used as an additional high-protein feed, in certain periods of ontogenesis of fish e. Biotechnics of cultivation of these species is economically advantageous and convenient to implement, and can be used in fish farms and by aquariumists.

It involves the use of small-sized tanks and substrate, and is based on the ability of aulophorus, sludge worm, potworm and grindal worm to rapid increase in the biomass of a stock culture. The latter can be purchased in specialized companies, and captured from the wild. Щербина М. Кормление рыб в пресноводной аквакультуре. Ильин М. Аквариумное рыбоводство.

Магическая академия Атараксия: Гибрид x Сердце

Москва : МГУ, Остроумова И. Биологические основы кормления рыб. Скляров В. Корма и кормление рыб в аквакультуре.

Masou Gakuen HxH: Hayuru, the cute catgirl.🐈

Кренке Г. Биотехника разведения живых кормов для выращивания молоди осетровых рыб. Шилова Л. Ленинград : Наука, Попченко В. Водные малощетинковые черви Oligochaeta limicola Севера Европы. Чекановская О. Водные малощетинковые черви фауны СССР. Ленинград, Догель В. Зоология беспозвоночных. Москва : Высшая школа, Ton van Haaren, Jan Soors. Belgium : Brill, Константинов A. Общая гидробиология. Москва, Brinkhurst R.

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Аулофорус, водяная змейка. Разведение водяной змейки аулофорус в домашних условиях. Аулофорус — полезные червячки. Пономарёв С. Москва : Моркнига. Снимщикова Л. Олигохеты северного Байкала. Трубочник обыкновенный. Wiederholm T. Reynoldson Т. Verdonschot P.

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Enchytraeus albidus. Fairchild E.